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विद्या संस्कार स्कूल में नामांकन शुरू

Since many years #VidyaSanskarSchool stand among the #topschools in #patna and is recognized as one of the #benchmark setter in the field of #education due to its educational #courses, #scientific #teaching methods, #experienced and #dedicated team of #teachers with well equipped, beautiful campus. For the better future of #india we #educate our #students to became a #fine #person by make them aware of our #tradition and #cultural #importance so that they could #serve our #country and have a better future ahead. Our campus have more than essential things needed for the betterment and growth of our students. VidyaSanskar School have separate #sciencelabs, #sportsground, ease of #transportation, 24×7 #security, #CCTV surveillance and many more for the #comfort of our students and their #parents. #VidyaSanskar School assure a good future ahead for your children as we strive to cater it.

Join The Vidya Sanskar School Today and Enlighten Your Future Visit Our School Campus For More Details

Call On 9708567777

Randhir Yadav

#admission #newadmission #SchoolAdmission #VidyaSanskarSchool #Admission2019

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